Skip to Videos Culinary | Baking | Competition - Elimination | Dating Shows | True Crime | Talk Shows | Game Shows | Reality Shows | Reality Shows, 2012_Dogs in the City (CBS): Ep1 - "Walking Beefy" Shed Media - Show Runner: Melissa Stokes Reality Shows, 2011_Lockup: Extended Stay (MSNBC): S3/Ep20 - "Boston" (44 Blue - Showrunner: Jim Cirigliano) Reality Shows, 2013_Swamp Pawn (CMT)_S2/Ep11 Pilgrim - Showrunner: Eric Smith Reality Shows, 2010_In The Bedroom_S1-Laundry Basket Harpo - Show Runner: Larissa A. K. Matsson Reality Shows, 2013_Owners Manual (AMC) Asylum Entertaintment - Supervising Producer: Tee-a-Hoff